We would like to draw your attention to the necessity of clear structuring of your work:
The title of the article, author information, annotation and key words must be given in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. The corresponding author is listed first and marked with the symbol 1.
Introduction. The introduction must outline the research problem. Its practical significance should be highlighted. Furthermore, the article should elaborate on the stated relevance throughout the text.
Materials and methods of research. Describe the organization of the experiment, the methodologies used, and provide detailed information about the research subject. The types of research methods (most common) include: observation, survey, testing, experimentation, laboratory work, analysis, modeling, study, and synthesis.
A review of the literature on the topic. The literature review should include 8-10 sources that the author relied upon during their research. It is important to conduct a detailed analysis of these works, highlighting both similarities and differences in the authors' approaches, as well as critically evaluating their concepts. To enhance the quality of the research, it is recommended to include both domestic and international publications. Additionally, some of the sources should be in English, which will not only broaden the research context but also integrate international experiences and approaches within the relevant field.
Particular attention should be given to works published in high-ranking scientific journals indexed in international citation databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, SpringerLink, JSTOR, and others. Publications from these databases hold a strong scientific reputation and adhere to rigorous peer-review standards, making them a priority for use in academic research.
The results of the study. The purpose and objectives of the research. A description of the study. Emphasize your innovative reflections. Be sure to demonstrate the scientific novelty (justify findings that are significant for the development of global science). This is the most detailed part of the research.
Discussion of Results. Provide an interpretation of the data obtained. It is important to compare the results with previous studies, highlighting similarities and differences, and discuss their theoretical and practical significance. Do not forget to indicate the limitations of the research and suggest directions for further studies.
Funding Information (if applicable).
Conclusion. In the conclusions, summarize the article. The conclusions should not repeat the provisions of the article. An analytical summary of the results and discussion of the article should be given.
For the preparation of the list of references in Latin script, it is necessary to strictly follow the following requirements:
Figures should be placed directly in the text of the article at the point where they are mentioned; they should also be submitted as separate files in any graphic format (JPEG, TIFF, BMP, etc.) with a resolution of 200-300 dpi. The caption should be placed below the figure, aligned to the left. It should be brief but informative. The figure number (e.g., "Fig. 1") and a short description should be included (see Appendix 4). All figures should be numbered consecutively (e.g., Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.). If the figure is taken from an external source, the citation should follow the Chicago citation style requirements.
If the figure is sourced from the internet, the reference should be placed directly under the figure in the following format:
Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc.). The numbering must be consecutive throughout the text. The table title should be placed above the table, starting with a capital letter, and should briefly describe the content of the table. The title should be aligned to the left and written with one space after the table number, without a period at the end. If the table is sourced from another reference, the citation should be provided below the table, following the Chicago citation style requirements (see Appendix 5).
The technical formatting of the article should comply with the following requirements:
The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the information, citations, references and list of the sources used.
Articles that are not relevant to the issues of the scientific journal and to the above-mentioned requirements will not be considered by the editorial Board.
The article file should be named after the surname and initials of the first author (e.g., Жұматов А.И.doc, Жуматов А.И.doc, or Zhumatov A.I.doc). Articles are subject to general editing. Submitted articles are not returned to the authors.
Articles submitted to the journal undergo a double-blind review process, ensuring objectivity and confidentiality in the evaluation of the scientific materials. Reviewers, who are experts in the relevant field, are selected by the editorial board from among domestic and foreign specialists.
The editorial board independently determines the reviewers, eliminating the possibility of author influence on the review process. Reviews are not provided to authors, but the main conclusions and recommendations of the reviewers are shared with the authors in a summarized form for making necessary revisions or improving the quality of the work.
Authors are requested to submit all materials in a single document (one file) and strictly adhere to the Article formatting requirements.
The article text should be submitted in either electronic or paper form via the website or to the following address: 010000, Astana, 43 Uly Dala Street, Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, office No.470.
Appendix 1
Example of the first page of an article
IRSTI 18.49.01
UDC 793.31
ORCID ID 0000-0002-0375-8891 DOI:10.56032/2523-4684.2023.2.10.01
М.К. Нуртаева¹
¹Казахская национальная академия хореографии
(Астана, Казахстан)
Статья посвящена анализу эстетических принципов современного изобразительного искусства с фокусом на казахскую культуру. Рассматривается влияние традиционного и современного искусства на развитие визуальных форм в контексте глобализации. Автор исследует, как художники Казахстана используют культурное наследие для создания новых художественных концепций и форм. Важное место уделяется анализу взаимодействия между национальными художественными традициями и мировыми тенденциями в искусстве. Основные выводы статьи заключаются в том, что современное казахское искусство сохраняет элементы традиционной эстетики, одновременно внедряя инновационные подходы, которые отражают особенности национальной идентичности в изменяющемся мире.
Ключевые слова: современное искусство, эстетика, казахская культура, изобразительное искусство, визуальные формы.
М.К. Нұртаева¹
¹Қазақ ұлттық хореография академиясы
(Астана, Қазақстан)
Мақала заманауи бейнелеу өнерінің эстетикалық принциптерін, әсіресе қазақ мәдениетінің тұрғысынан зерттеуге арналады. Автор дәстүрлі және қазіргі заманғы өнердің көркемдік формаларға әсерін, жаһандану контекстінде көркемдік дамуды қарастырады. Қазақстан суретшілерінің мәдени мұраны жаңа көркемдік тұжырымдамалар мен формаларды құру үшін қалай пайдаланатыны зерттеледі. Мақалада ұлттық өнер дәстүрлерімен әлемдік өнер үрдістерінің өзара әрекеттесуін талдауға ерекше көңіл бөлінеді. Қорытындысында қазіргі қазақ өнері дәстүрлі эстетиканың элементтерін сақтай отырып, ұлттық сәйкестікті көрсететін жаңашыл тәсілдер енгізу арқылы дамып келе жатқаны көрсетілген.
Түйінді сөздер: заманауи өнер, эстетика, бейнелеу өнері, қазақ мәдениеті, көркемдік формалар.
G.R. Nurtayeva¹
¹Kazakh National Academy of Choreography
(Astana, Kazakhstan)
The article is dedicated to the analysis of aesthetic principles of contemporary visual art, with a focus on Kazakh culture. The author examines the influence of traditional and contemporary art on the development of visual forms within the context of globalization. The study explores how Kazakh artists utilize cultural heritage to create new artistic concepts and forms. Special attention is given to the interaction between national artistic traditions and global trends in art. The main conclusion of the article is that contemporary Kazakh art preserves elements of traditional aesthetics while introducing innovative approaches that reflect national identity in a changing world.
Keywords: contemporary art, aesthetics, Kazakh culture, visual art, artistic forms.
Introduction. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text (Dzhumasetova 2020, 35).
Materials and methods of research. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text (Saitova 2023). text text text text text text text text.
A review of the literature on the topic. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text (Abuseitova 2006)text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.
The results of the study. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text (Kulbekova 2019)text text text text text text text text text (Izim 2022, 64)text text text text text text text text.
Discussion of the results. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.
Funding information (if applicable). Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.
Conclusions. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.
Appendix 2.
Information about the authors
Full name |
Title of the article |
Academic degree or qualification |
Academic title |
Place of work or study, position |
Academic supervisor / consultant (for postgraduate students) |
Degree, academic title, position of the academic supervisor |
Contact phone number |
E-mail address |
Appendix 3.
References. Examples
Legislative materials
Standards (GOST)
Electronic resources
Unpublished documents research reports
Appendix 4.
Example of figure caption
Fig. 1. Dangyr. Koldabyl.
Percussion Musical Instruments.
Vsevolodskaya-Golushkevich O.V. (1996),
Baqsy oyny, 144 p. Almaty: Rauan.
Fig. 2. Zhanabil Ademi. Ballet "The Fairy of Dolls."
Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, News,,
accessed December 11, 2024.
Appendix 5.
Table 1. Key characteristics of Kazakh Choreographic Art
Source: Anuar A.A. (2023).
Choreographic Art of Kazakhstan,
45 p. Almaty: Nauka.