Scientific journal «ARTS ACADEMY»


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Editorial policy

The editorial policy of the journal "Arts Academy" is aligned with the ethics of scientific activity. The editorial policy outlines a set of principles and guidelines that scholars must follow when preparing their work.

The journal "Arts Academy" plans to enter the list of peer-reviewed and cited journals, which requires the editorial board to adhere to a number of important ethical principles and organizational norms.

Ethics of scientific publications

The editorial board of the “Arts Academy” journal adheres to international ethical standards for scientific publications. These include the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics/COPE, the principles outlined in the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit, and the Model rules of scientific ethics approved by the order of the Minister of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 529, dated November 20, 2024.

Editorial Ethics

The editorial board remains committed to the ethical norms, values, and principles of research activity. Manuscripts submitted to the editorial office are treated as confidential documents. The editorial board and editorial team do not disclose information about submitted manuscripts to third parties, except for reviewers.

The editorial board accepts articles submitted by authors and assesses their compliance with the journal's scope and formatting requirements. If a manuscript does not meet the standards, it is returned to the author(s) for revision. The journal editors evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship, or political preferences. Reviewers are provided with manuscripts formatted according to the standards specified in the “Article formatting requirements”.

The editorial board selects reviewers with the appropriate qualifications or relevant work experience. The peer-review process is conducted with due consideration of the specific scientific field and the limited number of experts. Efforts are made to engage reviewers from Kazakhstan and abroad. Following the principles of double-blind peer review, the editorial board ensures complete anonymity of the author to the reviewers and the reviewers to the author. Reviewers are obliged not to use any data obtained from the manuscripts in their future activities.

An article is accepted for publication if it receives positive evaluations from two reviewers. In cases of conflicting evaluations (one positive and one negative), the editorial team examines the arguments of both reviewers and makes a collective decision regarding the article and possible revisions, informing the author accordingly.

The editorial board reserves the right to retract a publication if serious issues are identified, such as unethical behavior by the author, errors, misleading statements, or evidence of simultaneous submission of the article to another publication. In such cases, the editorial board notifies the other journal or collection where the article was submitted. Unethical behavior by the author during the review or prepublication process gives the editorial board grounds to withdraw the manuscript from further consideration and terminate cooperation with the author (with notification sent to the author’s employer or educational institution). If unethical behavior is discovered after publication (e.g., parallel publication, copyright violations, plagiarism), the editorial board reserves the right to retract the article from the journal’s website, as well as from archival and scientific indexing databases.

If the editorial ethics policy is updated, the editorial board publishes the updated information in the relevant sections of the website.

Main principles of the editorial policy of the scientific journal

The editorial board of the journal respects the rights of authors of the works submitted for publication, as protected by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including:

  1. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (adopted at the national referendum on August 30, 1995) (with amendments as of 10.03.2017);
  2. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 407-IV "On Science" dated February 18, 2011 (with amendments as of 13.11.2015);
  3. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 451-I "On Mass Media" dated July 23, 1999;
  4. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 6-I "On Copyright and Related Rights" dated June 10, 1996 (with amendments as of 24.11.2015);
  5. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 319-III "On Education" dated July 27, 2007 (with amendments as of 09.04.2016).

For the editorial board of the journal "Arts Academy," authorship of the works submitted for publication is based on strict adherence to author ethics and compliance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows the distribution of the work while maintaining proper attribution to the author and the original publication in the journal "Arts Academy."

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