Scientific journal «ARTS ACADEMY»


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Dear colleagues! We invite you to publish the results of your scientific research in the scientific journal Arts Academy

Dear colleagues! We invite you to publish the results of your scientific research in the scientific journal Arts Academy

Dear colleagues!

Scientists, teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions, employees of research institutions, doctoral students and undergraduates as well as senior students of higher educational institutions.

The volume of articles — up to 20 thousand characters (10 pages). Format: computer typesetting in the format of Microsoft Word 2000, 2003, 2007 2010 (with the extension *.doc, *.docx, , *.rtf); font — Times New Roman and Times KAZ, 14 PT in the main text, 12 notes, summary, captions and tables. Line spacing — single, all margins — 2 cm, alignment on width.

The article must include the following information:

1. IRSTI (International Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information) – on the first page in the upper left corner.

2. On the first page right above the headline, initials and surnames of all authors (see Appendix 1).

3. The title on the center of page. The article title should be brief (no more than 10 words), but informative, it should reflect the main results of the research. The title is typed in bold capital letters, font size 14, any abbreviations, except generally accepted must not be used the title.

4. Abstract (not less than 10 sentences). It reflects the theme of the article, the practical value, the novelty, the main provisions and conclusions of the research.

5. Key words (up to 9).

6. Brief information about the authors (see Appendix 2).

The text of the article is submitted in electronic and paper forms to the address: 010000, Astana, st. Uly Dala 9, Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, Editing and Publishing Department or to the e-mail:
тел.: 8(7172)790-832

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