Scientific journal «ARTS ACADEMY»


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About magazine

Scientific journal of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography

ISSN 2523-4684

e ISSN 2791-1241

Certificate of registration of a periodical, information agency and online publication of the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. KZ77VPY00045494, issued 02.02.2022

Frequency: 4 issues per year

Editorial Office: Astana city, Uly Dala avenue 43/1, 470 office

Phone: 8 (7172) 790-832


Purpose of the journal

  • Contribute to the development of Kazakhstan's choreographic art, the introduction of its achievements in the scientific and educational process, and will also become an important tool in the training of highly qualified personnel in the sphere of choreography.

Tasks of the journal

  • reflection of the results of scientific, research, practical and experimental activities of domestic and foreign scientists;
  • familiarization with the results of research;
  • forming the scientific environment of the Academy and promoting the main achievements in science;
  • provision of a "platform" for discussions, exchange of views on topical issues of choreographic art in the country and the world;
  • exchange of experience in teaching choreographic art;
  • introduction of interdisciplinary and applied research and analysis methods;
  • dissemination of innovative and advanced methods and methods of teaching in choreographic art.

Administrative apparatus:

  • Chief editor.
  • Deputy Editor-in-Chief.
  • Editorial board


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