Scientific journal «ARTS ACADEMY»


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Publishing rules




We draw your attention to the need for a clear structuring of your work.

  1. IRSTI[1] (International Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information) – on the first page in the upper left corner.
  2. On the first page after IRSTI in the center – Initials and surnames of all authors, place of work in italics; city and country (city and country in italics in parentheses) (see Appendix 1).
  3. The UDC[2] Classifier
  4. The title on the center of The article title should be brief (no more than 10 words), but informative, it should reflect the main results of the research. The title is typed in bold capital letters, font size 14, any abbreviations, except generally accepted must not be used the title.
  5. Annotation (no more than 10 sentences). It reflects the theme of the article, the practical value, the novelty, the main provisions and conclusions of the research.
  6. Key words (up to 5-7).

Title of the article, information about the authors, annotation and key words must be given in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.

  1. After two spaces, the main text is published, consisting of the headings:

Introduction. In the introduction, it is necessary to indicate a problem that has not received proper coverage in science. Its practical significance should be pointed out. Be sure to write about the contribution of this article to world science. And then, when writing an article, you should disclose the specified relevance.

Materials and methods of research. Describe the organization of the experiment, the methods used, the equipment used, and give detailed information about the object of the study. Types of research methods (the most common): observation, survey, testing, experiment, laboratory experience, analysis, modeling, study and generalization.

A review of the literature on the topic. Consider 5-10 sources in the literature review (preferably) and compare the views of the authors; some should be English-language sources.

The results of the study. The purpose and objectives of the study. Description of the study. Focus on your innovative thinking. Scientific novelty is mandatory (provisions that are interesting for the development of world science are mandatory).

Conclusion. In the conclusions, we summarize the article. The conclusions should not repeat the provisions of the article. An analytical summary of the results and discussion of the article should be given.

  1. After the main text, after two spaces given a list of sources used.

References. A list of references to international journals is not always different from that which we do for national magazines. The list of references should include (preferably) 5-10 sources. Of them over the last 3 years should be not less than 5 sources. Be sure to use at least 2-3 foreign sources (or 50% of all used literature). Link to "Arts Academy" scientific journal is welcome.

The article ends with automatically numbered references (with the heading "references"). References are listed in the order of citation in the article. A serial number of the source in the article text is given from the list of references in square brackets through comma i.e. the page number in the source (Examples: [17, p.25], [3, p.36]). Bibliographic recording is performed in the original language. (see Appendix 3).

A list of references in the Roman alphabet must go after the list of references (References) completely separate unit, repeating the list of references to the Russian language part, irrelevant of the presence of foreign sources. If the list has links to foreign publications, they are repeated in the list prepared in the Roman alphabet (Latin). On the website  you can refer to the program for transliterating the Russian text into the Roman (Latin) alphabet, which is in the public domain.

  1. Brief information about the authors following after the list of sources used (see Appendix 2).

Diagrams and figures should be recommended inserted in the main text and also attached as separate files in any graphic formats (JPEG, TIFF, BMP, etc.). All illustrations must be signed and numbered below the figure (see Appendix 4).

The technical part article of the article must meet the following requirements: The volume of articles — 10-20 thousand characters. Format: computer typesetting in the format of Microsoft Word (with the extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf); font — Times New Roman and Times KAZ, 14 PT in the main text, 12 notes, summary, captions and tables. Notes (footnotes) are paginal, using the function of footnote (ctrl+alt+f) in the program "Word". Do not use endnotes. Line spacing — single, all margins — 2 cm, alignment on width. Paragraphs are marked by indentation of 1.25 cm (but not with tabs or spaces); the spacing between paragraphs – regular. Quotation marks – typographical "", inside quotes – "normal". Ballet terms must be written in French (En dedans, Tendue, Leve). Dates are denoted by numbers: ages – in Roman, years and decades – in Arabic.

The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the information, citations, references and list of the sources used.

Articles that are not relevant to the issues of the scientific journal and to the above-mentioned requirements will not be considered by the editorial Board.

The article file should be named with the surname and initials of the first author (e.g. Zhumatov А.И.doc or Zhumatov A.I.doc). Articles are subject to general editing. Submitted articles will not be returned to authors.

All articles are reviewed by members of the editorial Board of the journal "Arts Academy" or by experts in the relevant field. The reviewer is chosen by the editorial Board. The review will not be given to authors.

Request to authors of articles is to submit all material in one document (single file) and to follow the Rules in preparing the article.

The text of the article is provided in electronic or paper version on the website or at the address: 010000, Astana, Uly Dala str. 9, Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, office No.470.

[1] State rubricator of scientific and technical information:
For example: IRSTI 13.07.25

[2] Universal decimal classification
For example: UDC 793.31

Appendix 1 Example of the first page of an article

IRSTI 18.49.01
UDC 793.31
ORCID ID 0000-0002-0375-8891                                   DOI:10.56032/2523-4684.2023.2.10.01


G.Y. Saitova¹

¹Kazakh national academy of choreography

(Astana, Kazakhstan)





The article touches the problem of national dance and folk art. The author studies the role and importance of dance folklore, the problem of preserving dance heritage. Comparative analysis examines the dance traditions of the people who lived on the transcontinental road (the Great Silk Road), connecting the countries of the East and the West.

Key words: folklore, national dance, ethnic culture, traditions, choreography of rhymo formula.


Introduction. Texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext text text text texttexttexttexttexttext[1,p.35].

Materials and methods of research. Texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext text text text text texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext[2,p.64].texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext.

A review of the literature on the topic. Texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext[3]texttexttexttext[4]texttexttext[5] text text text texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext.

The results of the study. Text text text text texttext text texttext text texttext text text[6,p.78]text text text[7,p.112]text text texttext text text [8]text text text text texttext text text.text text text texttext text text.text text text texttext text text.text text text texttext text text.text text text texttext text text.text text text texttext text text.

Conclusions. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.



Pic 1. Name of the picture. Source of the picture


List of sources used:




Appendix 2. Brief information about the authors


Name Last Name Middle Name


Topic of the research


Scientific or Academic degree


Academic status


Place of work or study, position


Scientific advisor / advisor (for master students)


Scientific advisor degree, academic status, position


Contact information (phone)





Appendixt 3. The list of references. Examples



  1. Pak N. With. Sociological problems of language contacts // Vestnik of KazUIR & WL. Series Philology. – 2007. – № 2(10). – P. 270-278.


  1. Nazarbayev N. In the stream of history. – Almaty: Atamura, 1999. – 296 p.
  2. Pavlov B. P. Batuev S. P. Preparation of water-black oil emulsions for combustion in the combustion device // In kN.: Improving the efficiency of the use of gaseous and liquid fuels in furnaces and heating boilers. – Leningrad: Nedra, 1983. – 216 p.


  1. Abuseitova M. H. a History of Central Asia: concepts, methodology and new approaches // Mater. Intern. scientific. Conf. "To the new standards in the development of social Sciences in Central Asia". – Almaty: Dyke-Press, 2006. – S. 10 - 17.

Legislative materials

  1. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Approval of the Plan of priority actions to ensure stability of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan: approved. On 6 November 2007, No. 1039 // is PARAGRAPH. – October, 2009 – 20.
  2. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. "On state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology named after al-Farabi, literature and art": approved. 21 January 2015, No. 993 (amended 10.10.2016)


  1. Baitova A. Innovation and technological development is a key factor of competitiveness // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. – 2009. – No. 269.


  1. GOST 7.1–2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. – Instead of GOST 7.1–84 and GOST 7.16–79, GOST 7.18–79, GOST 7.34–81, GOST 7.40–82;]. 2004– 07-01. – M.: Publishing house of standards, 2004. III, 48 p. – (the System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing).

Electronic resources

  1. Russian state library/ Centre for info. technologies RSL; ed Vlasenko, T.V.; Web master Kozlova N.V. – M.: ROS. state library, 1977. Mode of access: http//www.rsl.EN. (Internet resource: view date 14.12.17 time 18:44)


Reports on research work

  1. Generation and analysis of funds of unpublished documents, reflecting the state of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: research reports (final) / NC STI: hands. Suleymenov E. Z.; Executive. Kolevska YG – Almaty, 2008. – 166 p. – № GR 0107РК00472. – Inv. No. 0208РК01670.


  1. Izbairov A.K. Unconventional Islamic directions in the independent States of Central Asia: dis. ... doctor of historical Sciences: 07.00.03 / Institute of Oriental studies. R.B. Suleimenov. – Almaty, 2009. – 270 p. – inv. No. 0509РК00125.

Transliteration (lat.):

  1. S. P. Gromov, O.A. Fedorova, E.N. Ushakov, O.B. Stanislavskii, Lednev I.K., Alfimov M.V. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1991, 317, 1134-1139 (in Russ.).
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